Serving the Greater Saint Cloud Minnesota area

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Committee Members


Faith Communities

The golden rule is a basic moral principle found in all religions. 

It states that one should treat others as one would wish to be treated oneself.

JUDAISM: “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour.  This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary.”
CHRISTIANITY: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”
BAHA’I: “Lay not on any soul a load that you would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for anyone the things you would not desire for yourself.”
UNITARIANISM: “We affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.”
ISLÁM: “Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others what you wish for yourself.”
HINDUISM: “This is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you.”
CONFUCIANISM: “One word which sums up the basis of all good conduct...Loving-kindness. Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.”
TAOISM: “Regard you neighbour’s gain as your own gain, and your neighbour’s loss as your own loss.”


Seeking Unity After the Election

This election season was again a contentious one between the candidates and throughout our community. Although Election Day has passed, our witness as people of faith to the values of peace and unity is needed more than ever. Despite differences in political viewpoints and priorities, it’s important to remember what we share in common — a desire to build communities of kindness, civility, hope and peace — here in the St. Cloud area and beyond. We share our hope that all of us will be role models of civility and respect in our conversations with neighbors and co-workers, in our civic participation, and in all the other ways we engage our communities. Let’s create opportunities to build relationships, foster mutual understanding, and model the ways of peace that are so needed in our society today.

Greater St Cloud Faith Leaders

Working together for justice, unity and peace

We are a volunteer group with members representing diverse faith traditions who share a commitment to advance human dignity, respect for religious diversity, and working together for collective peace, unity and healing.

The calendar includes community events related to our purpose, as well as religious days of importance for all of our partnering faith communities so that we can help celebrate or honor one another’s traditions.


Purpose Statement

The Greater Saint Cloud Faith Leaders acts as a catalyst to create a more welcoming and just community. As religious leaders from various faith traditions, we foster a shared commitment to human dignity and respect for religious freedom while working together for peace, unity, and healing. We take action in four ways:
    (1) by educating members of our respective faith communities in the ways of peace;
    (2) by creating opportunities for people to build relationships and mutual understanding;
    (3) by speaking with a collective, public voice to protect religious liberty and to condemn acts of hatred and intolerance of any kind; and
    (4) by initiating community events and partnerships that advance the common good.

Faith and Community Partners

Community PartnerNameWebsite
Arrive Ministries
Samantha Grimsley
Bahá’ís of Central Minnesota
Ronald Marotte
CAIRO Center for African Immigrants and Refugees of Organization Abdi Ibrahim
Catholic Relief Services
Fr. Bill Vos
Central Minnesota Community Empowerment OrganizationShirwa Adan
Jama Alimad
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsBecky Martinez
Cultural Bridges
Jamal Elmi
Diocese of St Cloud
Most Rev. Patrick Neary
Mayuli Bales
Kateri Mancini
Joe Towalski
ELCA Synod Bishop
Rev. Dr. Dee Pederson
Episcopal Church of St. John
Rev. Deacon George Ham
First Presbyterian
Rev. Darin Seaman
First United Methodist
Pastor Leah Rosso
Randy Johnson
Grace United Methodist Church of St Cloud
Pastor Faith Totushek
Higher Ground Church of GodPastor James Alberts II
Higher Works Collaborative
Buddy King
Jewish communityLoren Weinberg
Minnesota Multifaith NetworkRev. Dr. Tom Duke
Dr. Jen Kilps Ph.D.
Presbyterian Minister
Professor Jon Armajani Ph.D.
Salem Lutheran Church
Rev. Pastor Kirsten Nelson-Roenfeldt
St Benedicts Monastery
Sister Eunice Antony OSB
St Cloud Area School District 742
Ayan Amoud Omar
St Cloud Islamic Center
Mohayadin Mohamed
St Cloud Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Charlotte Stephens

Become a supporter

We need your help as we strive to shape a more loving, tolerant, just and vibrant community.
   There are so many way to get involved and engaged -- as a partner, a collaborator, a supporter, a promoter -- and share your talents to help our community become more vibrant, inclusive, and just.
Call with any questions or concerns: 320-291-1197

Join us!

represent, volunteer, promote, share talents and resources
   With your help, together we can shape a better future.

Past Events & Activities

--Link for these years HERE.

--Ramadan greeting (April) – letter we sent (Word)

--Letter of Solidarity amidst Covid (May) – Read at vigil at Pilgrims Poultry Plant in Cold Spring, and printed in Opinion in St. Cloud Times (see PDF)  (St Cloud Times)  

--Service for Unity and Justice (August) (see PDF) (event hand-out)

--Civility Statement (October) –     
     • Opinion in St Cloud Times
     • highlighted on WJON 
     • and MPR

--Letter/response:  A prayer in response to violence at the Capitol (see PDF)

--Published statement recognizing World Day of Peace (January).  More here.
--Faith leaders and community members gathered in the St. Cloud Islamic Center (September) to discuss the impact of a break-in at the mosque and encourage peace and love.  St Cloud Times articles:
--Published a statement and a video encouraging everyone to change the tone of political discourse (November). More here.

-- February, Event: World Religion Day celebration (January 21). Organized and collaborated with 8 faith traditions to model interfaith harmony and celebrate together our spiritual heritages. (PDF)
-- February, Event: (Feb 9) Members of the Greater Saint Cloud Faith Leaders gathered together to thank Bishop Kettler for his dedication since the group's founding. Bishop Patrick Neary will succeed Bishop Kettler upon his ordination February 15 at the Saint Cloud cathedral. More...
--October, Collaboration:  Joined Minnesota MultiFaith Network as a network partner (

-- January, Statement: We speak out against the rising tide of antisemitism and Islamophobia (PDF)
-- February, Sponsor Event: World Religion Day celebration (Report PDF)
-- January, Promote: Martin Luther King Jr celebration  community sponsored
-- February, Promote: Celebrate Black History Month  At the Nelson Mandela Center
-- February, Promote: Antisemitism: From Awareness to Action workshop sponsored by Spirituality Center at St. Benedict’s Monastery
-- March, Promote: 2nd Annual CommUnity Iftar sponsored by Center for African Immigrants & Refugees Organization (CAIRO)




     Once a month, on the first Thursday of the month.

     Initially, membership was limited to only leaders of faith communities.  But we also recognize that individuals -- motivated by the desire for greater unity within our community, and driven by the promotion of common spiritual values -- are valued voices and contributors toward the collective goal of equality, justice, safety, and peace.

     Financial support is always appreciated. Contact Kateri Mancini (info below) to make financial arrangements.
     But the contribution of your time and talent is most appreciated during these turbulent times.  Together we need to change minds and hearts - to restore our sense of community and be reminded of our common humanity.  We all seek equality, justice, safety, and collective peace.  Working together we can make that happen.

     1) As a multi-faith collective, it is important to recognize and respect our varying faith traditions and work together to support our common spiritual values of Faith, Love, Justice, and Unity.
     2) We plan and support initiatives that advance the dialogue on race and justice issues and seek opportunities to bring together all the diverse members within our community so that we can experience each other in our lives.
     3) We support and assist immigrants in their efforts to settle in our community and condemn the racist and ethnic injustices, prejudice and oppression that they sometimes face. 

     The group was first convened in 2015, in response to acts of vandalism at a local St. Cloud mosque. Initiated and founded by Bishop Donald Kettler of the Catholic Diocese of St. Cloud, the group gathered hoping to inspire leaders of other faiths to offer support for the mosque leaders and Muslim community going through that trauma. Due to the group’s meeting and the relationships built following that initial gathering, when another tragedy—a stabbing at a local mall—occurred in 2016, the group was able to stand in solidarity with a torn community, witnessing to the need for unity and peace and once again helping the whole community through an experience of turmoil and trauma. The group continues to meet monthly. By building relationships of mutual respect and friendship through ongoing dialogue – both as a group and within larger community-wide events they sponsor, the group hopes to keep moving the community forward towards more peace, justice and unity.
     Founding members of this group: Bishop Donald Kettler and Kathy Langer of Catholic Charities’ Social Concerns Department, with other founding members including Imam Muhumed Ahmed, Jama Alimad, James Alberts, Mayuli Bales, Dee Peterson, Darin Seaman, Leah Rosso,  Fr. Bill Vos,  Abdul Kulane, Randy Johnson.

Greater St Cloud Faith Leaders

© 2025 Greater Saint Cloud Faith Leaders - All Rights Reserved

Policy Statment