The Greater Saint Cloud Faith Leaders invite you to join us in this prayer as we continue to process the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 2021, and the divisive patterns that have long-since led up to them. Prayer Regarding Capitol Violence

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A prayer in response to violence at the Capitol

The Greater St. Cloud Faith Leaders invite you to join us in this prayer as we continue to process the events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 and the divisive patterns that have long-since led up to them. We invite you to stand in unity with us and all your neighbors – regardless of race, religion or political affiliations – at this time and as we continue to move forward as a nation seeking justice and hope.

God of justice and hope,
     We continue our prayers for our country this day. Even as we wrestle with the events of January 6, we pray for our democracy.
     We pray for those who feel isolated, underrepresented and for those who are still in shock at the events that happened at our Capitol.
     We pray for justice for those who are oppressed and for people of all backgrounds to work for the common good.
     We pray for the dismantling of ideologies that enhance unhealthy confrontation and conflict.
     We pray for peace for those who have taken oaths to protect and defend our Constitution.
     We pray for those who serve in halls of power and those who feel power has deserted them.
     We pray for our witness as faith leaders to work toward the unity we profess despite the challenges we face.


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